Meet Laura Hummel, RN, MSN
I am a compassionate and skilled holistic registered nurse with experience in both traditional and complementary therapies.
Create Optimal Health in
Every Aspect of Your Life!

That mantra is what guided me throughout the years of my personal journey towards health and wellness. Working in the traditional medical field as a registered nurse and grounded in years of scientific practices, I saw firsthand traditional medicine’s disinterest for the interplay of the body, mind and spirit.

As a nurse I could see that my patients were much more than their symptoms or clinical conditions. I saw my patients as living breathing fields of energy where physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual and energetic/spatial influences impacted their lives creating harmony or imbalance.
Holistic Nursing - bringing 'caring' and 'healing' back into health care!
Many of my hospitalized patients had additional stressors or psychological and emotional factors causing disharmony within their lives. Yet they were often discharged from the hospital quickly without these factors being addressed. Although their physical symptoms were treated their issues were still held in the energetic field, the “issues were still in their tissues” leaving them vulnerable to the reemergence of dis-ease.

My years of nursing training had stressed the importance and interplay of body, mind and spirit, and how balance and harmony contributes to health, wellbeing and recovery. I knew that my patient’s recovery would be enhanced by additional complementary therapies.

My Vital Healing Energy practice grew out of my own experience with energetic therapies and shamanic healing.
The designation Shaman comes from the teachings and healing practices of indigenous cultures and refers to a man or woman who is called by Spirit into a path of medicine and service to all peoples and the earth.

I saw the results in myself and also in my clients firsthand. My life transformed, and any limiting patterns and beliefs that had held me back began to release. I stepped into a healthier life! I recognized the value of these energetic therapies to health and wellness and I wanted to share them with others. I sought additional certifications and trainings to augment my nursing skills, and I left the traditional hospital setting.

I am a certified USUI Reiki Master and teacher.
I am also a graduate of the Four Winds Light Body School of Energy Medicine and certified shamanic healer having studied shamanic healing and energy medicine with Alberto Villoldo, PhD. Additionally, I have studied with Dr. Richard Bartlett, DC, ND, and am a certified Matrix Energetics® practitioner. I honor my teachers and the work they have made available to us for personal and global transformation.

I opened my Vital Healing Energy practice to bring caring, healing and a loving presence to my patients. I have been practicing energetic therapies for over 10 years and have helped many people on their journey to their optimal self through supportive counseling, coaching, and individualized energetic and heart centered approaches.

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